How to Research in a Courthouse
For beginning genealogists, an intimidating aspect of genealogy research is: How do I research in a courthouse? This presentation will discuss the types of records you're likely to find in a courthouse and how to utilize them. Also included are tips about scouting the courthouse before you go, meeting courthouse staff, using the records, and retrieving copies of the records.

Census Research
Census records are the seemingly go-to starting point for all genealogical questions, but are you really using this resource to the fullest? Are there hidden gems and details in the Census that can help further your research or point you towards other sources? Can in-depth analysis of the records really help that much? Find out in this presentation that incorporates all the details about Census records that benefit the search for your ancestors. From basics to advanced research methodologies, this presentation discusses the records as well as provides repository information for finding some lesser-known schedules.
InDEED, Your Ancestor's Land Records Are Useful in Genealogy Research
How useful are deeds in answering questions about a person's life and adding depth and understanding to your family history? Can you locate an ancestor's land on a modern map? Could that process help you discover a long-forgotten burial site or home place? In this one-hour case study presentation, you will hear of the ups and downs of genealogy research as we explore the surprises hidden in one man's land purchases. We will learn little-known details of his life's story, which are only revealed when land records are combined with area history and context.

Relatively Cheap Genealogy: Research and Education for the Frugal at Heart
Frugality and practicality are habits and lifestyle choices that can translate easily into genealogy research and education. This presentation explores methods of garnering all you can out of lesser expensive genealogy resources. Plus, we will discuss how you know it's time to invest financially into your research and how to make sure you're getting the highest quality service possible for your budget.

Basics of Genealogy
Do you simply want an overview of the different types of sources and where to find them? How do I even get started doing research? What is a census? Where do I find death records? Here are your answers. This simple, practical presentation will give a solid overview of "how to" along with a few tips and tricks to make you more successful in your endeavors.

Case Studies
As genealogy researchers, want to know of others’ research: How did they figure that out? Where was that information? Because experience is often the best teacher, researchers who invest time in reviewing case studies can further develop their skills and depth of knowledge. Every case study or solved problem demonstrates unique ways of discovering resources and analyzing records. This presentation includes real-life genealogy mysteries that were solved by combining the Genealogy Proof Standard with other unique methodologies. Trials, triumphs, discoveries, and joys (and a few failures) are shared along with the practical working progress of several cases from beginning to end.

Beginner Colonial-era Research, through the Life of Anne Marbury Hutchinson
Information and examples for the beginner Colonial-era researcher are interwoven into this story of Anne Hutchinson, who emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1634 and was a champion of freedom far ahead of her time. Wrongly banished and excommunicated, she was a well-acknowledged leader among the founders of Rhode Island - the progressive, daring group who created the charter that served as the blueprint for our nation's Constitution. In her last days, she and most of her children were living in the Bronx when they were murdered. Only her daughter Susanna survived; she was kidnapped and eventually ransomed as part of a peace treaty. This truly amazing account of the earliest beginnings of this great nation is definitely something you do not want to miss and will provide information about colonial-era record-keeping and our nation's birth which will assist with researching those way-way-back ancestors.
Pictured below, Anne and daughter Susanna. Statue at the Massachusetts State House.